Ryan Wyss
WV Cover Image 2.JPG

West Virginia


West Virginia has an opioid epidemic with one of the highest rates of prescription pain pill abuse in the country. While the overdose and addiction rates are skyrocketing, West Virginia’s who suffer from Facts about opioid use disorder see little use in seeking out the states help through West Virginia’s MAT program (Medication Assisted Treatment).

There was a stigma surrounding MAT programs. Users thought, “I’m already addicted to a prescription drug, how will adding another help me eliminate the first?”

West Virginia’s Department of Health & Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health needed a campaign that showed real people and their success stories. People who have been through the MAT program and come out clean and sober on the other side. But to their families, their only ask was to bring their family members back to life.

Creative Director Ryan Wyss
Production House Optimus

These are real West Virginian’s and their success stories

Real Quotes. Real Stories. Real People.


“I’ve been in other programs, but none like this program that really actually wants to help you.”


“The biggest thing that I’ve learned in my recovery is that everything I’ve done, the good, the bad, the ugly and the in-between, has got me where I am right now.”