Ryan Wyss

Nevada Tourism


The state of Nevada is more than Las Vegas. There is a mass of historic and somewhat spooky landmarks. To leverage these landmarks and reach out beyond its state lines, we decided to create a PR pop-up event in NYC utilizing the haunted past of the great state of Nevada during Halloween weekend, inviting travel influencers and bloggers to step out of their comfort zone (Las Vegas) and into a “weirder frame of mind”.

Creative Director Ryan Wyss
3D Animation Ryan Wyss
CD Copywriter Andy Knight


Museum Style Diorama pop-up installation

The in-wall museum style dioramas played into our theme of “stepping into a weirder frame of mind” showing guests to physically depth and giving them a tactile, engaging experience. Elements from inside the dioramas broke the barrier of the frames they lived in connecting the tales from Nevada’s storied and sometimes spooky past to our Pop-Up Event in NYC. This not only showed a more diverse Nevada but also allowed for great photo and social engagement.


These ghostly images were displayed as 3D holograms on a LED Fan display during the event

E.T. Highway Visitor Model Layers

3D Name Plates

Event invitation

event pass
